
Posts Tagged ‘optimise you website’

Do comments help your website SEO?

When I have reviewed some of the comments placed on youtube, I cringe. It certainly does not encourage you to  allow any type of comments to be randomly placed on your own websites or blogs.  But if you’ve been wondering whether or not you should allow comments on your business or personal blog, allow me to add some fodder for your decision making analysis.

Comments on your blog help you optimize your website and make it easier to be found for more key phrases and for the key phrases you are already targeting.    How is that?  well….

search engines love content.  I know most of us think content is dead, and that video and social media are the optimum SEO’s. But the more the content, search engines are drawn to it like bee to honey.   In other words, that 300-word blog post you wrote yesterday will get more search engine traction when it has 20 comments on it.

There are three ways blog comments help you:

a) Blog commentators will use the same key phrases in their comments that you used in your blog post. That will mean more instances of the keyword on the page and therefore you are more likely to be found for that key phrase.

b) Blog commentators will also use related key phrases that you didn’t use in your blog post. That will result in your blog post being found for key phrases that you didn’t target.

c) Thirdly, some blog posts, like forum posts, appear as separate pages in the search engines. Note that I said “some”. In order for your blog posts to appear as separate pages they’ll have to be threaded and coded just so.

Blog comments help you optimize your business website, it is particularly useful if you are trying to brand or generate interest. I strongly encourage you to allow at least permission based comments on your business blog to increase your search engine optimisation.  If someone writes something or wants to link an inappropriate website to your you can terminate or trash the link before it goes live.

With lots of websites offering back links, text links and link exchange, this is one of the quickest ways to generate the same think without it costing you anything or taking up too much of your time.